Exercise is important for health. Exercise reduce weight in very effective way and work wonders for stomach, inner thighs, booty and shoulders. Exercise will help us to lose wait and…
Your house can become a gym and a perfect place for workouts – all day through. All you need is to identify where and how you can do this.
Fad diets, food curbing and crash diet, weight loss seems to be a continuous effort. Even after following a strict diet regimen, people tend to gain weight. Why? Maybe because…
There is a way by which you can double your metabolism and triple the results to lose weight. Winter flab must be pesky. Here’s what you need to do….
Slicing New Year’s weight loss resolutions into small and manageable steps will help them sustain long term. We have chalked a great list of weight loss resolutions that are easy, achievable and useful. Have a look!
This Thanksgiving gift health to your host. We have some awesome gift ideas for you this Thanksgiving…
How about treating on low calorie foods this Thanksgiving. You avoid the unnecessary calories while keeping your weight loss focus intact. There are plenty of ideas to make a fabulous low calorie meal this Thanksgiving, we have some for you….
Why would you even want to replace the most important meal of the day with shakes? Simply because it boosts your metabolism in leaps and bounds burning more calories than…
Smell plays a great role in helping you lose weight. Researchers have found certain aromas can keep food cravings at bay. These aromas trick brain into thinking…