Eat protein, fat, and vegetables Each one of your meals should include a protein source, fat source, and low carb vegetables. As a general rule, try eating two to three…
Cardio is an effective way to improve your health and burn belly fat. To maintain healthy body weight, you need about 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week.…
Fad diets, food curbing and crash diet, weight loss seems to be a continuous effort. Even after following a strict diet regimen, people tend to gain weight. Why? Maybe because…
Slicing New Year’s weight loss resolutions into small and manageable steps will help them sustain long term. We have chalked a great list of weight loss resolutions that are easy, achievable and useful. Have a look!
Why would you even want to replace the most important meal of the day with shakes? Simply because it boosts your metabolism in leaps and bounds burning more calories than…
Yoga has been around for a long time and has helped many maintain a healthy lifestyles. Know How yoga can help you stay fit and lose weight?
Pregnancy weight gain is unavoidable. But does that mean you can’t get into your pre-pregnancy shape? Of course, you can, but with significant patience and care. Losing baby fat can…
Oprah Winfrey has recently lost 25 pounds in matter of six weeks. What did she do? What diet she followed? Who helped her? Know all details here.
These 5 shortcuts will end your weight-loss struggle forever. Don’t think much. All you need is follow them and get results faster and better.
Obesity and heart diseases are very closely related. Obesity increases your chances to get heart diseases, making weight loss an utmost necessity. This post explores the relation between– Obesity, heart disease and weight loss, and guides you through best practices to prevent obesity related heart problems.