When you’re on vacation, it’s difficult to control your balanced diet schedule. Experts say it’s possible to eat your favorite food without resulting in weight gain. It’s true that vacations…
A research reveals that most of us could gain 6-7 pounds during the winter season. The reason being, cold and cozy environment persuading us to eat anything which keeps us…
Fad diets, food curbing and crash diet, weight loss seems to be a continuous effort. Even after following a strict diet regimen, people tend to gain weight. Why? Maybe because…
Leaving your weight loss resolutions midway is going to leave you in despair. Though your motivation might be dwindling, these tips are going to be of great help to you.
Slicing New Year’s weight loss resolutions into small and manageable steps will help them sustain long term. We have chalked a great list of weight loss resolutions that are easy, achievable and useful. Have a look!
Morning coffee can help in weight loss, but only when you make it healthy. Learn about real benefits of coffee in weight loss.
This Thanksgiving gift health to your host. We have some awesome gift ideas for you this Thanksgiving…
Why would you even want to replace the most important meal of the day with shakes? Simply because it boosts your metabolism in leaps and bounds burning more calories than…
There could be some relief for obese older men, wanting to lose weight [sources: BBC Health News]. Recent findings as published at the European Congress of Obesity suggest that older…