Why would you even want to replace the most important meal of the day with shakes? Simply because it boosts your metabolism in leaps and bounds burning more calories than…
Oprah Winfrey has recently lost 25 pounds in matter of six weeks. What did she do? What diet she followed? Who helped her? Know all details here.
Researches reveal that seaweed supplements could help in weight loss. If you can stand the taste of seaweed, you could possibly shed those pounds. More details about research inside.
Beyonce in her first scintillating performance at Revel Beach Ovation Hall in Atlantic City she looked stunning. She was overjoyed with here weight loss efforts and shared here joy with…
Weight loss is all about exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. Majority of celebrities opt for weight loss programs that help them stay healthy. Weight loss programs that incorporate a healthy diet and exercise often help in long-term weight loss. Hard work and commitment is essential for losing weight. Here’s how Jennifer Hudson did it!